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Guild Events

  • Homes Not Borders & Welcome Blanket Quilt Show

    Quilted Items Due: March 16th
    Quilt Show Opening at CREATE Arts Center: March 22 from 12 noon to 2 pm
    914 Silver Spring Ave, Silver Spring, MD

    DCMQG is excited to partner with Homes Not Borders and Welcome Blanket to collect donated quilts to share with refugees and other migrants who are new to the DMV as a sign of welcome and care.

    Donations of quilted wall art, throw pillows, or twin-sized blankets will be accepted until March 16 in order to participate in a display at CREATE Arts Center in Silver Spring from March 22-April 12.

    For more information about DCMQG’s social justice work, visit dcmodernquiltguild.com/social-justice.

  • Spring Socials - Join the Fun!

    We need members to volunteer as hosts for the April social events!

    We need members to volunteer as hosts for the April social events! We are looking for volunteers to organize and host a social activity. The activity could be a meal at a restaurant or someone’s home, desserts, or a happy hour.  Or you could coordinate a visit to a museum or organize a sew-in at a local library. Once the hosts have been identified, and we have an idea of how many people could be accommodated at each event, then we will post the options and you will be able to sign up for the activity/date/time that works best for you.

    Please let us know by Thursday, March 13, 2025. Sign-ups for attendees will be released in the March 27th Stitch.

  • DeStash at April 12th Meeting!

    Annual DeStash is Coming!
    Start sorting, cleaning, purging your stash. In past years, members have brought fabric (yardage, precuts, bundles, scraps, nicely packaged UFOs, etc), notions, rulers, thread, books/magazines, yarn, and more!  The guild will also accept much of the leftover quilting fabrics for use in our charity quilts.

    Raffle Restock
    DCMQG raffles off small prizes at each meeting – because who doesn’t get excited about prizes?! At our April meeting, we'll be collecting donations to restock the raffle prizes. Do you have little things in your craft stash that would make great raffle prizes? A set of unopened 8 wt thread for that quilt you later decided to send to the long-armer? A fat quarter bundle you impulse purchased, but now realize you will never use? A shiny quilt ruler you bought only to find your old one in the back of the closet? DCMQG would love to accept those donations to restock the raffle! Please limit these donated to "like-new" quality items.

  • SEWN Swap Quilts Date is Coming!

    For those participating in the SEWN swap Please don’t forget that your swap quilts are to be turned in no later than at the April 12th meeting! We’re expecting to receive your partner’s creation for you sometime in May.

Calendar of Quilt Guild Events

Hover over a date on the calendar to see at a glance what events are scheduled. Double click on an event to see more details.

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