DCMQG Members have an opportunity to show off their creations each month at the regional meeting. Some of the quilts they’ve made for the charities we partner with, some are made for themselves or friends, some are commissioned, and some are group quilts made either for a charity, a social justice leader in the community, or for QuiltCon’s guild quilt category.
I’m sure you’ll all agree that each of these quilts is beautiful and was made with a lot of thought, love, and care!
MARCH 2024
DCMQG COMMUNITY QUILT, entered in QuiltCon 2024

APRIL 2024

MAY 2024

JUNE 2024

JULY 2024

August 2024: Ursula - baby quilt

Enid's Bauhaus quilt by Zen Chic

Eleanor (this is the back of a quilt)

Improv Scrap Quilt using a method by James Cochran from Unscripted Quilting

Cyndy made these baby quilts for twins; pattern from "Slightly Biased Quilts"

Michelle made this class during a class she took with Carole Lyles Shaw. She titled it "Rabbit Moon".

Mayre made this quilt at the Spring Retreat.

Bonnie's quilt was based on a class she took with Nancy Crow. Bonnie was channeling Matisse.

Martha. made this quilt from Allison Glass' pattern, Carousel Medallion.

Lauren made this quilt for charity using the Rail Fence pattern and ombre dots fabrics.

Jamie made this quilt using a pattern our guild has used for one of our social justice quilts.

Gretchen used fabric from Kaffe Bassett. This is the back.

The front of Gretchen's quilt. Serpentine Stitch

One of Julia's quilts from a pattern by Love Sew Modern

Julia took some pieced fronts that Hannah left with her before moving and completed them into some mini quilts.

A couple of Chris' charity quilts that she made with grey and "fussy florals".

More of Chris' charity quilts; the one on the right is unfinished but will be finished for Innova.

These two quilts made by Chris were made from the same pile of fabrics yet look so different!

Diane - Log Cabin Charity Bee Quilt

??? (Please let me know your name.)

Brenda - Charity Bee Quilt

Brenda - "Storm Star" - VFW pattern

Sam - Charity Bee Quilt

Chris - Charity Quilt

Robin - Irish Chain Quilt made with pillowcases

Bia - Charity Quilt

Erinn- "Orange Celestial Path"

Erinn - Quilt Scouts (earned badges on trees

??? (Maker?)

Ann - Charity Quilt

Ann - DWR quilt from our class with Tara Faughnan

Ann - Charity Quilt

Ann - 30's fabrics Charity Quilt

Ann's XO charity quilt

Ann's quilt

??? (If this is yours, please let me know!)

Natasha's giant lodestar quilt with Ikea fabric

??? (Please let me know who made these.)

Lori's quilt

Jayne's Quilt

Eleanor - a tribute to Carol Lyles Shaw, who passed away this month. Eleanor made this quilt in a class with Carol.

Veronica's Handmade Shoes

Kaitlyn's Jelly Roll Quilt

Lisa's Charity Quilt

Lisa - Improv Circles Quilt

Lisa - iPad case

Brenda Charity Quilt made with a "layer cake"

Susan - this was the first pattern of someone else's she'd ever made!

Susan - This improv quilt was made with the leftovers from her other quilt.

Natasha - Halloween quilt

Erinn - Bear Crossing

Janine's Charity Quilt

Janine - Spring quilt with pollinators

Ann - Circus Log Cabin

Diane - "Big Oceans" pattern from Tara Faughnan

??? (Please let me know your name if you are the maker.)


Mary Ann's Quilt