Social Justice jpeg

Our Social Justice Committee was formed in 2020 as part of our bylaws revision. A key aspect of the revision was an inclusion statement, and the SJC is going to help the guild put its words into actions by spearheading projects that foster a more inclusive, equitable, tolerant community around us.

Check out the video on our Wrapped in Love for Justice project here

Stay tuned for updates on our Social Justice Committee activities for 2024!

Social Justice Committee Heading
  • Wrapped in Love for Justice

    Wrapped in Love for Justice is a project of the DC Modern Quilt Guild (DCMQG) to recognize social justice movement leaders and organizers in our community by wrapping them in the love, appreciation, and healing power of quilts. The DCMQG Social Justice Committee will provide the overall leadership for this project.

  • Social Justice Sewing Academy

    The DC Modern Quilt Guild’s Social Justice Committee partners to help complete projects with the Social Justice Sewing Academy.

  • SJSA Remembrance Blocks

    The guild’s Social Justice Committee’s next adventure for SJSA is to work on Remembrance Blocks for people in the DMV who died by violence. We currently have 10 names to remember in progress