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Interested in becoming a DCMQG member? Potential members are welcome to attend two guild meetings before paying dues. Meeting locations are added to the calendar 30 days before the meeting date.

Ready to join? Please pay dues through our Web Shop where you can choose which membership is appropriate for you.

Please read more about our guild in the two sections below and then to place your membership, go to our web Shop at the bottom of the page.


1.  To become a member, please read about the Benefits in the right  hand column.

2. Next, read through the FAQs in the second section of this page.

3. Finally, at the bottom of the page you will find our Web Shop where you will choose which membership is appropriate for you.


  • Alayna Wearly, President: dcmodquilts@gmail.com
  • Aynex Mercado, VP: dcmqgveep@gmail.com
  • Susan Berry,, Secretary: dcmodquilts.sec@gmail.com
  • Lorraine Robidoux, Treasurer: dcmqgtreasurer@gmail.com



Paying dues to the DC MQG will grant you membership with the national MQG and the benefits associated with that membership (see below). In addition, membership will cover fees when we need to rent meeting space and discounted tickets/first priority to any outside speakers or special events. Your DC MQG membership will also get you into our guild's swaps, bees, the ability to register for guild retreats and the ability to register for guild sponsored workshops. 
MQG Member Benefits:
  • Access to the online community
  • Opportunities to participate in swaps and challenges
  • Discounted fees to enter MQG quilt shows
  • Discounted rates on conferences and events
  • Priority and early registration on conference and event admissions
  • Discounts and special offers with MQG sponsors and affiliated companies
  • 10% discount on online MQG merchandise purchases
  • For existing members, dues must be paid by August 31st to maintain good standing status. New members may attend two meetings, after which they will need to pay dues to continue membership. Dues will cover membership through June.

  • If you have attended two DC MQG events, you will not be able to attend our regular meetings or receive member benefits from association with our group or the MQG unless you pay dues or have been granted a scholarship. After August 31st members that have not renewed are removed from the national MQG register.

  • We have a scholarship fund available to prospective and renewing members on a case by case basis. If you’d like to request more information or funding, please email the Treasurer at dcmqgtreasurer@gmail.com with your request ahead of the deadline for dues.

  • All sewing days and membership meetings are included in the dues. Additional events such as a guild-hosted speaker or a workshop will be subsidized by the guild as it can (i.e. member price vs. nonmember price, or member only registration), but participants in the event will be responsible for any additional fees when it is not possible for the entire guild to be invited. For instance, if a retreat can only hold 20 attendees, the guild will assist in planning and paying retreat space deposits, but will not subsidize attendance since not all members are able to attend.

Purchase your membership in our Shop.
