Bonnie Magness-Gardiner
VOTE: Your Voice Your Choice
Hand dyed, block printed and commercial cotton. Machine quilted.
Without civic engagement, there is no democracy. Investigating the issues and candidates, and voting the subsequent choices, gives voice to the individuals within our collective nation. The effort required to understand the choices, make the selection, and commit to a vote is a measure of devotion to our country that merits the term patriotic.
After a career as an archaeologist and Federal bureaucrat, I retired in 2017. One of the first things I did was buy a new sewing machine and start taking quilting classes at Three Little Birds Sewing Co. and screen printing classes at Pyramid Atlantic. Sewing, printing, and dyeing fabric has obsessed me ever since. Fortunately, during the pandemic the online workshops and zoom communities provided a lot of incentive to keep working. Like everyone else, Iām looking forward now to getting together more often to sew and quilt.